I’m taking the blogging challenge

Because I should be more “do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do,” I have decided to take the WordPress PostAWeek challenge. (I was tempted by PostADay, but I realized that’s overreaching and bound to fail.)  I will be asking my Social Media students to blog about once a week throughout the semester — it’s the least I can do to keep up. I also want to develop my brand and my own writing style on the blog. Lofty goals.

I can take my own advice as well. I need to come up with about 10 topics to write on, so that I never can wail to myself: “I don’t know what to write.” With all I scan/read on Twitter, the topics should be endless anyway.

Here’s one of 52. Happy 2011


Social media 101

I had a great experience meeting with a fascinating variety of small business/retail store owners from Rockbrook Village. We talked social media and, as usual whenever I am teaching something, I always learn a lot.

The session, which was lively, reinforced my own idea that social media is a must for small businesses to build their brands and the idea that small training/coaching sessions to work with these talented but busy people may be the answer.  That’s what I want to start working on.

My own interest in entrepreneurial journalism is fed by these kinds of sessions too. Thanks again for asking me, Rockbrook!